

This is a website where I talk about the things I've done in the third person so I seem humble and not a website that sells handmade scarves as this layout would suggest. 

It's also a place where you can read and watch some of the things I've done and perhaps leave mean comments somewhere about them and ruin my day!


Kimberly Dinaro is a Brooklyn-based writer, comedian, mermaid and teen pop star. She graduated from NYU Tisch School of the Arts for Dramatic Writing and is now a staff writer at Someecards as well as a contributor for The Betches political news section, "The Sup” and the Betches main site. She was one of the OG interns and is still a contributor to the satirical women’s news site, Reductress, having published nearly 70 articles. She received "Best of the Fest" at the Burbank Comedy Festival, landed the Elite 8 in Caroline's on Broadway's March Madness Competition and was a two-time finalist in the She Devil Comedy Competition at Broadway Comedy Club. In addition, she has performed at the Cape Fear Comedy Festival, North Carolina Comedy Festival, the Riot Grrrl LA comedy festival and the musical comedy show at The Duplex Cabaret Theatre as part of 2019’s New York Comedy Festival. 

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She is the co-host of the long-standing, all women and non-binary stand up show, “Left Breast Comedy Hour” at The Knitting Factory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Left Breast is a sold-out night of feminist hot takes, drag queens, and tequila shots that has been recommended by The New York Times, TimeOut New York, and The Skint. The show has also received rave reviews from internet trolls such as “Why do women promote ‘masagany?’” In addition, Kimberly is the co-host of a co-ed monthly comedy show, “Sugar Babies,” in the West Village at The Lantern Comedy Club where she is also a  featured house comedian. When she’s not writing or performing, she slings cocktails for finance bros at a luxe Manhattan cigar bar where she never wants to witness another bachelor party ever again and where she accidentally stole Adam Sandler’s credit card. 

Here’s me, checking my pulse to make sure I’m still dead inside.

Here’s me, checking my pulse to make sure I’m still dead inside.

For hot comedy and curl content, check out my Insta-glam.





Kimberly Dinaro's last name was originally spelled like the Spanish word for money, Dinero. However, she has no known relation to money. She lives in Brooklyn, NY and writes things she hopes people will laugh or cry at. She does not like lukewarm emotions or showers. 


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Left Breast Comedy 

Left Breast Comedy is the comedy duo of Kimberly Dinaro & Sally Ann Hall. They bonded four years ago over the death of their dreams and now host monthly all-women stand up shows and open mics. They hope they're doing what they can to make sure everyone's voice gets heard as long as they are funny. 

Find Out How →

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